The Top News of the Day: Sophie and Dan announce their engagement! I am too excited to bring you any other minor chit chat: this news deserves a blog post of its own.
Daniel and Sophie xxxx |
There I was, sleeping soundly somewhere in the Basque Country, having eaten a wonderful lunch followed by a wonderful dinner, when the 2.30 am telephone call came: eek! Was it bad news? Fortunately, before my sleepy mind had had a chance to formulate any opinion, Sophie was on the line, sounding very happy. "Hi Mum - I didn't wake you, did I?" "Oh, no..that's fine. It's just a
leeeetle early in the morning, that's all..." "Mum, I just rang to tell you....that Dan and I are engaged!" A speechless moment and lots of congratulations later, we decided to discuss it all at a better hour, and I rang off with far too little information about this highly exciting development.
The Happy Couple |
Congratulations to a lovely couple - and CAN'T WAIT to hear all about the proposal, the plans and - of course - the
dress! Lots of fun ahead planning the wedding; plus I am sure that the new Hungarian side of the family will use their considerable skills in throwing a good party to great advantage. Welcome to our family, Kata, Rita, Eva and everyone else from what we will now think of as the Hungarian Branch.
Üdvözöljük (is that right??)
Nyaralás Magyarországon
Well, a long and detailed Skype conversation is needed soonest. I have heard - though I am a novice in this department - that mothers of brides are allowed a certain say on these occasions, and if so, I wish to exercise my right to thoroughly, I mean the planning of the Event of the Century.
Congratulations again, Sophie & Dan xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Champagne for the occasion
All photos shamelessly stolen from Sophie's Face Book page.
I've already sent my congratulations of course - but don't forget I am here and have experience in this area (despite everything). I also have tips on what NOT to do! But they might want to get the engagement party over with first...