Friday, June 22, 2012

The Artist

Drawings For You

No, this is not a reference to this year's Academy Award winning movie 'The Artist', but rather to the skills of Pandora, Aged Five, who will draw your portrait - or indeed anything else you request - for a mere 20c.

Waiting for customers

Attractive items for sale.

She provides this offering at 'Pandora's Cat Shop', a small stall which sometimes accompanies her mama's hand-made jewellery-and-randomness stall at occasional craft markets - frequently selling very well. In addition to  the portraits, pretty beaded bracelets (which Pandora made herself) are also for sale.

The Portrait

At a recent stall, I commissioned a portrait, and here is the stunning (in various senses) result. It cost extra to have Pandora write 'Nana' on the finished masterpiece, but personally I think it was 50c well spent.

The work in progress...

Ta Dah!

Some other pieces from the same studio:

Various cats and other family members...

Baby Chickens

My personal favourite: "An Electric Duck"

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